METRCMajor Extremity Trauma Research Consortium

Coordinating Center

The METRC Coordinating Center, based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, serves as the central hub for coordinating and managing the Consortium’s multi-center studies in orthopaedic trauma. The Coordinating Center leverages a structured, specialized team to ensure seamless study design, regulatory oversight, data management, and analysis, providing the backbone of METRC’s research activities.

Leadership and Expertise
The METRC Coordinating Center is directed by Renan C. Castillo, Ph.D., a Professor in the Department of Health Policy & Management, specializing in clinical trial design, trauma outcomes, and health services research. Lisa Reider, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor and Associate Director, and Katherine Parris Frey, Ph.D., MPH, RN, an Associate Scientist and Associate Director, co-lead protocol development, implementation, and data analysis for METRC, bringing extensive experience in clinical trials, trauma outcomes, and implementation science. Lauren Allen, DrPH, Assistant Scientist and Director of Translational Science, leads efforts to ensure METRC’s research is effectively translated into practice, integrating dissemination, implementation science, and stakeholder engagement strategies. Anthony Carlini, MS, Senior Research Associate and Director of Data Science, oversees data management, informatics, and analytics, ensuring the quality, security, and usability of METRC’s data infrastructure.

Organizational Structure and Core Functions
The METRC Coordinating Center is organized to support four key functions essential to the Consortium’s research:

Maximizing Research Impact
Through centralized resources and expertise, the METRC Coordinating Center empowers the Consortium’s network to conduct large-scale, multicenter studies efficiently and effectively. This coordinated approach strengthens METRC’s capacity to generate high-impact, patient-centered research that advances trauma care standards for both military and civilian populations.

Contact us

Please use this form to contact the Coordinating Center if you have any general questions about METRC. Your message will be received by our Website Administrator and forwarded to the appropriate individual for a response. Please be aware that processing a response may take up to two business days. Please also note that this form should not be used for questions about treatment received at a clinical site participating in METRC studies; those questions should be sent directly to the site or surgeon providing the treatment.

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